Alexa Alternative : Check backlinks for free with RankSignals

Alternative to Alexa : Check backlinks for free with RankSingnals
All of us are fully aware how crucial it is to build unique and organic backlinks/linkbacks for improving our search engine ranking.Most of us do link building but don't check the status of backlinks.I mean how many we have.Are the backlinks there or removed ? we cannot do it for every individual site.So there are tools like Alexa which are there to give a complete analysis and updates of our backlinks as well as others .But wait Alexa is not a free service .It is premium.

Although Alexa has a free version but it has too little features.The prices of premium plans are not to mention because they are too high for a newbie blogger.So what can you do ?.This question was troubling me for a few days and so I googled it to find a free substitute.I came across this super simple tool named RankSignals which has really simplified my backlinks checkout process.

Apart from checking backlinks, Alexa ranks sites according to their traffic and backlinks.But RankSingnals is only a backlink checker tool which is available for free of cost.

Why is RankSignals the best Alternative to Alexa ?

  1. It's free and offers you to use the service of backlinks checking for free.
  2. RankSignals have a chrome extension which is quite convenient to check backlinks for yours or someone else's .Now I can easily check backlinks and page rank of any page without visiting Alexa site.

What are RankSignals Features ?

As I mentioned earlier, it is only a backlink checker tool.It does not rank sites.Though the word rank is included in the product name.
  1. Unique Backlinks : RankSignals shows how many backlinks you have to your site from unique (different) domains.If you have backlinks from 5 different domains your unique backlinks will be 5.
  2. Total Backlinks : It shows how the total ( overall ) backlinks to your site.For example, if you have  five (5) backlinks from two sites each.Your total will be ten (10).
  3. Social shares : It also shows the number of social shares for a given page.
  4. Information about backlinks : It displays further information about backlink like it is nofollow or dofollow or noindex etc.
  5. The number of links : The number of links (external and internal ) on the page where your backlink is present.
  6. Google Page Rank ( Domain ) :RankSignals also shows the google page rank of a given page.That you can easily find by installing its chrome extension.

RankSingnals free backlink checker tool

Preview of RankSignals Chrome Extension :

RankSingnals chrome extension

People behind Rank signals :

To know about RankSignals in detail you can check theirs about page.The founder of RankSignals is Ravish Ahuja.

Last Remarks :

It is an awesome free SEO checker tool.I found it helpful so I shared it with you with the intention that it might help you too.I think if you are tired of Using Alexa premium plans for checking backlinks then you should try Rank Signals.Share your views about this amazing tool.Don't forget to share it on social media.

Stay connected, You'll not be disappointed!


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