What is SEO ?

What is SEO ?

SEO aka Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting traffic by taking every step of making your blog /website to rank better in search results than others by helping crawlers/bots .It is also known as making your blog/website search engine friendly .Of course, if I am saying "better than others" then there might be some kind of Authority /Trust/power/points/ that you have but others don't.In other words, I will explain SEO as the process of allowing the search bots/crawlers to better understand and index your site which in return provides you traffic.The more SEO optimized your site ,the higher rank your website will have and vice versa.

According to a definition by webopedia :

Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

You just have to continue scoring and building trust and authority to improve SEO.Like every field of life, there are some rules that have been assigned for Search Engines.If you follow them,you will get plus points and if you don't you will get negative.

I will demonstrate SEO from a daily life example:

Suppose there is a competition held for essay writing and there five (5) contenders,3 judges and thousand people.The results will be on the basis of the people and the judges.After the competition person, 4 and 5 got the most recommendations from 1,2,and 3.

Person 1 results: 50 people liked it but none of the judges.
Person 2 results : 100 people liked it including 1 judge.
Person 3 results :150 people liked it including 2 judges.
Person 4 results :200 people liked it including 3 judges.
Person 5 results: 500 people liked it including 3 judges.

So the winner is Person 5.Now keep yourself in the place of a contender,the judges are the search bots ,the people are the social media ,the recommendations are your backlinks,and the competition is your niche.If you ponder upon the above instance you will quite understand what I am trying to convey to you.
The person 5 had better solution/text/content/design that made people like it .Moreover,it was recommended (backlinked) by others (1,2,3,and 4) in the same competition (niche) .To such response, the judges (search bots) were impressed but they also did their own analysis to confirm that it the worthy one to stand first in the competition (search results).The reward was the traffic.

Last Thoughts On SEO :

I am sure you got the idea of SEO from this post. There are websites that offer SEO tools and they also offer SEO services. But if you learn simple or basic SEO techniques one by one you can easily rank you website without paying a single penny.This post was just a basic knowledge of what is SEO ?.SEO is comprised of other things, about which I have written on my blog.You can read each one of them for free and take steps to improve SEO of your blog.Do share this on social media with your friends to support Blog Rabbit.
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